Calla Lilies are actually a perennial plant that is native to Mozambique, Lesotho, Swaziland and South Africa. Research has shown that calla lilies plants also grow in some tropical areas where the plant is not native. In some areas in southern united state and Western Australia, the plant can be invasive. Most researchers were not able to trace the actual time calla lilies was brought to Europe, however the illustration of calla lilies plant in the Royal Garden of Paris dates back to 1664. Calla lilies plant is really a wonderful plant that comes in range of colors from white to pale pink to deep burgundy. Some of the recent hybrids of Calla lilies plants have a very good dramatic color like bright orange and black. According to most gardeners that love to grow Calla lilies, the wonderful plant is a long-lasting cut flower that is popular in floral arrangements especially for weddings. Most growers also said Calla lilies plants are also a plant that has a faintly sweet and pleasant fragrance.

Furthermore, the best time to grow Calla lilies plant is springtime; the plant is actually a wonderful perennial plant that can reach their full growth within one year. The scientific name of calla lilies plant is Zantedeschia aethiopica, the common name is known as Arum lily. Calla lilies plant is an herbaceous perennial plant.

Calla lily plant Information:

The scientific name:  The scientific name of calla lily is Zantedeschia aetheopica

The plant height: The plant height is about 12-24 in. (30-61 cm.)

Spread: The plant can spread to about 18-24 in. (46-61 cm.)

The sun exposure: Calla lily plants prefers full sun, part shade

The soil requirements: Calla lily plants prefers Neutral, slightly acidic

USDA hardiness zones: Calla lily plants can be grown in USDA hardiness Zones 8-10

When to plant Calla lily: Calla lily can planted in Spring


Varieties of Calla Lily

Calla lily actually has several varieties, these varieties are in a range of heights between about one and three feet and they have brilliant colors. The following are the beautiful varieties of calla lily you can grow:

The ‘Acapulco Gold’ varieties: Actually for the sunniest yellow calla lily, choose the ‘Acapulco Gold’ varieties. This particular variety produces large blooms that are bright yellow in color.

The ‘Night Life’ and ‘Night Cap’ varieties: This particular variety actually produces a larger flower that is darker and bluer in tone.

The ‘California Ice Dancer’ varieties:  The ‘California Ice Dancer’ varieties produce large, perfectly creamy white flowers on stalks that grow about eighteen inches tall. The leaves of this particular variety are a darker shade of green than most varieties, perfectly offsetting the white blooms.

The ‘California Red’ varieties:  This particular variety is a gorgeous shade of deep reddish pink, neither too bright nor too dark.

The ‘Pink Melody’ varieties: The ‘Pink Melody’ varieties produces a triple-toned flower that goes from green to white to pink as it extends from the base of the bloom. The ‘Pink Melody’ is also a tall calla lily that actually grows up to two feet in height.

The ‘Crystal Blush’ varieties: This particular variety is similar to ‘Pink Melody variety.  The ‘Crystal Blush’ varieties are whiter with just a hint, or blush, of pink on the edges of the petals.

The ‘Fire Dancer’ varieties: The ‘Fire Dancer’ varieties are one of the showiest of all the varieties of calla lilies, this particular variety is large, and a deep gold edged in red.


How to grow Calla lilies

Without been told Calla lily plants actually make a beautiful addition to the ornamental landscape. According to some gardeners the graceful white calla lily flowers are the most common, available cultivars that come in a wide range of colors.  Below are the easy ways on how to grow and care for this wonderful perennial plant:


Light requirement

This wonderful perennial plant grows best where it can receive part, or full sun, throughout the day. Ample light is really important to the production of the plant flowers. Most gardeners that are living in areas that are especially warm or receive intense sunlight can consider planting this wonderful perennial plant in beds that are shaded throughout the hottest parts of the afternoon. 


Water requirement

Part of the care for calla lily plants includes paying special attention to the soil moisture. The indoor calla lily plants as well as the once grown directly in the garden really appreciate consistent moisture throughout the growing season in addition to adequate humidity.

Furthermore, in most regions the supplemental watering of the calla lily plants in the garden is not necessary. On the other hand the calla lily plants will actually benefit from drip irrigation or soaker hoses in regions that are particularly dry or prone to prolonged periods of drought.


Temperature and humidity requirement

This wonderful perennial plant grows best where conditions are warm with temperatures of at least seventy degree Fahrenheit during the day. Also the humidity in the environment can really play a key role in maintaining adequate levels of moisture. Actually the calla lily flowers can really tolerate high temperatures in most gardens, provided the humidity conditions are perfect. Extreme heat can be detrimental to the calla lily flowers most especially in regions that are dry or arid.


Soil requirement

This wonderful perennial plant should be planted into well-amended beds with good drainage. Since the plants are quite adaptable, the rhizomes can equally grow well under a wide range of soil conditions as well as those that consist of sand or clay. The calla lily ideal garden soil should be neutral or slightly acidic with a pH of 5.6 to 6.5. To successfully grow this wonderful perennial plant indoors, the plants actually need to be placed into a container that is filled with high-quality potting mix. 


Fertilizer requirement

According to some expert gardeners Calla lily plants require annual feeding to keep them looking their best. Actually a well-balanced fertilizer can be used any time before the Calla lily plants start to flower. Using both granulated and liquid feeds are really good options, although depending upon one's specific needs. Just like other perennial plants, you need to avoid using fertilizer after the Calla lily plant has finished blooming.


Pruning Calla lily flowers

Once the flowers begin to fade from the plant you can easily remove them. You can easily deadhead each of the stem in other to prevent the production of seed, as well as encouraging the plant to bloom. Remove each spent flower stem carefully all the way back to the base of the Calla lily plant. Also the dead or yellow foliage can be pruned in this manner; this will really help to maintain a healthy and tidy appearance within the garden beds. 


Calla lily propagation

Calla lily plant can be grown from seed but a lot of gardeners prefer to divide those that have already established themselves in the garden. This actually can occur every three to five years, and will result in flowers that are identical to the parent plant. The process of dividing the plants should be done in the fall while each of the plant is dormant. After carefully lifting the rhizomes from the soil the plant roots can be easily cut apart. The new divisions ought to have at least one healthy, viable growing eye.


Repotting the plant

If you want the Calla lily plant to perform their best, the Calla lily plant that has outgrown their containers will need to be repotted. This process of repotting the plant should occur in the fall, when the plants are actually dormant. You can repot calla lilies every one to two years.

Disease and pest on Calla lily

Calla lily plants are like any other perennial plants that also faces pest and disease challenges. Below are the major pest and disease that causes problem for calla lily plants: 

The Bacterial soft rot calla lily disease:

This disease is known to affects the rhizomes and also infects the calla lily plants through injuries.

Preventing and controlling the disease: Be very careful not to injure the rhizomes when planting or when digging up in fall. If actually there is anyone that is damage, just make sure you discard them immediately.

The Botrytis disease on calla lilies:

Actually this disease is known for causing a grey mold on the flowers, the leaves, the stems and buds. The disease really thrives most especially in cool wet weather conditions.

Preventing and controlling the disease: the affected plant parts should be removed immediately and watering the plants at night should be avoided. Also ensure that plants have good air circulation. You need to also contact your Cooperative Extension Service for any fungicide recommendations.

The powdery mildew on calla lily plants:

This is actually a fungus disease that occurs on the top of the plants leaves in humid weather conditions, making the plants leaves to have a whitish or greyish surface and it will also curl.

Preventing and controlling the disease: This particular disease can actually be avoided by providing good air circulation for the calla lilies plants and also by good spacing and pruning the plant. You can also contact your Cooperative Extension Service for any fungicide recommendations.


Actually aphids are red, greenish, black or peach colored sucking insects that can easily spread disease as they feed on the undersides of the calla lilies plants leaves. This particular insect known as aphids will leave a sticky residue on the foliage that will attract ants. 

Preventing and controlling the disease: The introduction of natural predators into the garden such as lady beetles and wasps can help to feed on the aphids. Also these insects can easily be washed off with a strong spray, or you can also use an insecticidal soap.

Spider Mites:

Another pest that attacked calla lily plants are spider mites. They are very tiny and they are about the size of a grain of pepper. These insects are red, black, brown or yellow. They actually suck on the calla lilies plant juices, then removing chlorophyll and injecting toxins which can easily cause white dots on the plant foliage. These insects can cause the foliage to turn yellow and become dry and stippled. They actually multiply quickly and they also thrive in dry conditions. 

Preventing and controlling the disease: Spider mites on calla lilies can be controlled with a forceful spray every day. Another option is to try hot pepper wax or insecticidal soap. You can also check with your Cooperative Extension Service for any miticide recommendations.


Thrips also attack calla lily plants and they are tiny needle-thin insects that are black or straw colored. These insects are really known for sucking the juices of the calla lilies plants and they also attack the flower petals, the leaves and the stems, making the plants to have a stippling, discolored flecking. They can also spread many diseases from plant to plant.

Preventing and controlling the disease: Just make sure the beds are free of weeds and also remove debris from the bed after frost. You can easily check with your Cooperative Extension Service for any pest controls. 

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