The scientific name of Snowdrops is Galanthus nivalis and the plants are perennial bulbs that are native to Europe and the Middle East. The snowdrops plants are hardy in USDA hardiness zones three through seven. The plants are so hardy, in fact, that they often appear and bloom while there is still snow on the ground.

The snowdrops plants naturalize easily and became so abundant in Great Britain that it was long believed that they were a native flower or that they were introduced by the Romans. The snowdrops plants were actually introduced to Great Britain in the 16th century. Currently there are now many snowdrop gardens throughout Great Britain and Ireland which are very popular in February when the bulbs are in bloom. 

Furthermore, the Snowdrops plants are related to amaryllis and daffodils. The plants are often confused with snowflakes which are much larger and bloom in late spring or early summer depending on the species. Most snowdrops plants bloom in the early spring but there are some that actually bloom in the fall. Are snowdrops easy to grow? Snowdrops are very easy to grow in the garden.

The most common snowdrops plants are very tiny, only three to six inches tall. Unlike their snowflake cousins which produce multiple flowers, each snowdrop bulb actually produces a single flower. The flowers have 6 petals, 3 white outer petals and 3 inner petals which are white with a green blotch. The flowers hang down from the stem. Before they open, they look like pearl pendant earrings.


Are Snowdrops Plants Poisonous?

The Snowdrops plants are one of those plants like daffodils that deer don’t eat. That’s because like daffodils, the plant are poisonous. But they are also poisonous for humans, dogs and cats. Make sure you keep children away from the garden while your bulbs are growing and blooming. Also keep your dogs on a leash and away from your garden. If you have cats keep an eye on them to make sure that they are not digging in that bed and coming in contact with the plants or the bulbs.

It’s actually a good idea to wear gloves any time that you are handling the bulbs and plants. The toxin can irritate your skin causing dermatitis. Make sure you always wash your hands thoroughly after working with snowdrops.


Do Snowdrops Have Seed Pods?

Growing snowdrops from seed is very easy, if you wish to grow the plant from seed you will need to gather the seed as soon as it is released. The snowdrop plant seeds must be fresh for best germination. Using netting or cheesecloth tied around the fruit before it ripens, you can catch the seeds when the fruit ripens and the seeds are released. Plant your snowdrop seeds two to three inches deep just as you would the bulbs and the seedlings will germinate the following spring.

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