The Nandinas plants are also known as Heavenly Bamboo or Sacred Bamboo. The Nandinas plant is a flowering evergreen shrub that is native to Eastern Asia. This plant is a vibrant plant and it is a low maintenance plant. The plant is disease resistant, heat and drought tolerant. The Nandinas plants are useful as ornamental shrubs in home landscapes in growing zones six to ten.



Growing Nandinas

Planting time: The best time to plant Nandinas bushes is spring or fall. Warmer climates with mild winters can plant in winter. Cooler climates are better off planting in summer than late fall.

Planting Nandinas: You can plant Nandinas in full to part sun. If you want to plant Nandina shrubs, just dig a hole twice the width of the root ball and not quite as deep as the root ball is tall. Then place the bush evenly in the hole. Make sure the top of the root ball is slightly higher than the existing soil line and then backfill with the soil you dug out. You need to water deeply until the water begins to pool on the ground surface. Apply about one to two inches of mulch to reduce watering needs and weeds. Make sure you water daily for the first week and one to three times weekly for the first two months until your Nandinas plant is established. Don’t forget that Nandinas are toxic to pets.



Nandinas Plant Care

The Nandina plant care is minimal once the plants are established. The Nandina plants are adaptable to any well-drained soil. Water deeply when planting and twice weekly for the first two to three months while your new plant is establishing. After establishing, the Nandina plants are very drought tolerant and will only need watered during extremely hot and dry conditions. One to two inches of mulch is a great option to prevent weeds, keep the soil cool and moist, and protect the roots during extreme temperatures. You can fertilize in spring with a general purpose, slow release fertilizer.


Pruning Nandina Plant

While the Nandinas most especially the dwarf varieties rarely need pruning, on occasion the larger plants will become overgrown and leggy or thick and dense. Renewal pruning can improve the look of the Nandinas plants. For the overgrown dense plants, prune back the oldest and thickest canes back to the ground. For leggy plants you can remove the older canes that have little foliage all the way back to the ground. You can remove up to ⅓ of the plant per year.

Furthermore, the Nandinas plant do not require pruning, but can tolerate heavy pruning if needed. You can prune the plant any time of the year. If you are performing severe pruning, late winter or early spring is really the best time.


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