The botanical name of Floss flower is Ageratum houstonianum. This plant is an annual flowering plant that is native to Mexico. Ageratum houstonianum known as floss flower produces fuzzy, tufted flowers in rounded, dense flower heads adding a desirable blue flower color to your garden, even when grown in partial shade. This plant can grow from twelve to thirty-nine inches tall.
Furthermore, Floss flower is a popular option for edging borders, window flower boxes, and flower beds. Floss flower is one of the few annual plants that tolerant light shade. This plant really blooms from late spring through summer and some of these qualities makes it a fine choice for outdoor containers.
This particular plant is also considered one of the best mosquito repellent plants. If you actually desire a splash of white, pink, or blue in your garden, you can replace the plants each year.

The preparation on plant care

You can start the floss flower seeds indoors about six to eight weeks before the last frost. Make sure you take the young plants outside after all the danger of frost has passed.

You can plant the floss flower under twelve inches in a sunny to lightly shaded area in your garden in moist and well-drained soil. This plant is not particularly choosy about soil conditions although it does not do well in soggy conditions.
You can add four to six inches of organic compost incorporating it into the soil using a garden tiller to the planting location. Actually the compost will help to improve the soil’s fertility, and it is also an important factor for the health and growth of the floss flower plant.

The Planting of the Floss flower

Make sure you space the plants eight to ten inches apart. Also dig the planting holes of similar width to the root balls with a depth similar to the one the plants were growing in prior to transplanting. You have to place the young plants into the holes and then cover the root balls completely with soil, then water the plant thoroughly to compact the soil.

Mulching plants

Around the base of the floss flower plants you can apply about two inch layer of mulch to make sure the soil does not dry out. For you to actually get the best results you can use grass clippings, organic compost, or bark mulch. Try to make sure you refresh the mulch layer as it decomposes to always ensure you maintain it not less than two inches.

Watering of plant

This particular plant does not actually do well if conditions are too dry and they will wilt quickly if this is the case. Floss flowers really prefers warmth over cold, you can water the floss flower plant using slightly warm water as opposed to cold, this is really vital when the floss flowers are young since warm water seems to accelerate the growth of the plant.
Furthermore, to really ensure the soil remains consistently moist throughout the summer and spring, it is really very important to water the floss flower plants regularly.
This plant requires about 2 ½ inches of water a week. For daily irrigation you can use a soaker or use a sprinkler for watering twice weekly. You can reduce the amount of water you give to the plant if you receive more than one inch of rainfall in a particular week.

The application of fertilizer

You can feed the floss flower plant once a month using a water-soluble liquid blooming plant fertilizer. Just make sure you follow the instructions provided on the package for proper dosage and application.

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