The scientific name of Mulucca bells of Ireland is Moluccella laevis and the plant add an interesting, upright touch to the colorful flower garden. If you actually grow a green-themed garden, the bells of Ireland flowers will fit right in. The Bells of Ireland plants facts indicate that the plants prefer dry and arid conditions, although the plants also perform well in cool summer conditions.  

Furthermore, the Mulucca bells of Ireland are native to the eastern Mediterranean region and the greenish blooms lead to their common name, having nothing to do with their place of origin. The bells of Ireland plants are sometimes called shellflowers. Actually, the cold climate gardeners as far north as USDA Hardiness zone two can grow the bells of Ireland plants for summer blooms. The bells of Ireland plants facts indicate the plant may reach two to three feet in height. The foliage is an attractive green, as is the flower calyx (base). The actual blooms are small and white, offering an overall green appearance. Multiple stems arise, offering an abundance of blooms on each of the plant.


How to Grow Bells of Ireland from Seed

The bells of Ireland plants are annual plants. Grow bells of Ireland flowers in warm climates for plants that readily reseed. In areas with cold winters, start the seeds of bells of Ireland plant indoors a few weeks before outdoor temperatures warm, or you can broadcast the bells of Ireland seeds outside late in spring when conditions have warmed substantially. Those in warmer areas can plant the bells of Ireland seeds outside in fall. To start indoors you can easily plant in seed trays early for the longest bloom time of bells of Ireland flowers. Just plant the seedlings outside when temperatures have warmed above nighttime frost levels.


How to Care for Bells of Ireland

Plant the bells of Ireland flowers in full sun or partial shade in well-draining soil. However poor soil is fine as long as it has good drainage. Make sure you keep the soil moist. The bells of Ireland plant is not appealing to browsing deer, so use the plant in outlying gardens where other flowers may be damaged by hungry wildlife. The bells of Ireland plant care can include fertilization, if needed. The bells of Ireland plant with heavy blooms may actually need staking. The bells of Ireland plant is good in fresh cut arrangements and is often used as a dried flower. To actually dry the bells of Ireland blooms you can harvest them before seeds appear and hang upside down until the calyx and flowers are papery. 

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