This plant known as brunnera is one of the prettiest plants to include in the shady garden. Actually the plant is commonly called false forget-me-not, petite blooms compliment attractive, glossy foliage. The Brunnera Siberian bugloss plant is also called heartleaf brunnera plant because of the shape of its leaves. The Brunnera Siberian bugloss plant is an herbaceous perennial, dying back in winter.


Brunnera Plants Info

Actually, the light blue blooms of brunnera plants rise above the leaves of various cultivars. The brunnera plants have leaves that are glossy green or in variegated hues of gray, silver, or white, such as the popular cultivar ‘Jack Frost’. The brunnera Siberian bugloss blooms in early to mid-spring. If you want to grow the brunnera plant make sure you locate the plant in part to full shade, and also in well-drained soil that can be kept consistently and lightly moist. The brunnera plants don’t actually do well in soil that dries out, nor will they flourish in soggy soil. The plant care for Brunnera macrophylla include watering the plant to maintain soil moisture, and also provide good drainage to assure that the roots of the plants do not sit in soggy soil. Growing brunnera reaches one and half feet (0.5 m.) in height and two feet (0.5 m.) across and it grows in a small mound.


Growing Brunnera from seed

Actually, Brunnera blooms may self-seed and readily sprout from seeds dropped the previous year. If so, dig small of the brunnera seedlings and replant them into areas where more growing brunnera is desired. You may also collect the seeds from the brunnera plants and replant them or plant newly purchased seeds or small plants. Division of existing plants is another means of propagation. The plant easily thrives in USDA Hardiness zones three to eight, when conditions are right. The brunnera plants prefer rich soil. When growing brunnera in the hottest zones, avoid planting where it gets hot afternoon sun. Brunnera, most especially the ones with variegated leaves, are sensitive to the sun and may burn. Now that you have learned how to grow brunnera plant and a little about plant care for Brunnera macrophylla, you can try it in the shady garden or use it to help naturalize a wooded area. You will find out that this easy-care plant is an asset to any shady area.


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