The Darwinia plants are actually native to Australia and the plants are drought-tolerant after establishment. Some twenty to thirty-seven different species exist, although few are well known or cultivated very much in the United States. A lot of gardeners that are looking for waterwise flowering plants for their backyard turn more to Darwinia plants.

Furthermore, the Darwinia plants are evergreen, somewhat scrubby bushes that are only found in the wild in Western Australia. There are 2 types that exist, distinguishable by the Darwinia flowers. One of the groups offers spectacular, bell-shaped flowers while the other grows smaller flowers and is known as the rose-type Darwinia. The popular Darwinia hookeriana shrubs grow to about three feet tall with small, terminal flowers surrounded by brilliant, red bracts that make the plant attractive. Bracts can appear 6 months before the flowers in generous numbers. You might find two hundred and fifty bracts on a single plant! The Darwinia flowers are actually wonderful for cutting and they also look great in an indoor bouquet. The Darwinia flowers also dry nicely. Just cut the Darwinia flowers and then hang them in a cool, dark area to dry.


How to Grow Darwinia Plant

If you are actually interested in growing Darwinia flower, you’ll be happy to hear that the plant care is not too difficult. Since the Darwinia plants are native to the southernmost regions of Australia, zones nine and higher would be suitable for growing the plant here in the United State, although with adequate protection, the Darwinia plant should be fine in zones 8 and 8b as well. Grow the Darwinia plant in an open, airy location. For the Darwinia plants to thrive, the plants growing conditions must include cool soil for their roots to grow in. You can use an ample layer of mulch to keep the root zone cool.

The Darwinia plant care includes generous irrigation through the first summer after planting. After that you can stop offering water. A lot of gardeners forget that the Darwinia plants growing conditions must be on the dry side and kill the plants by overwatering. The Darwinia flowers won’t be happy in damp, dank conditions. If you are growing the Darwinia plant in soil that is too wet, the Darwinia plants can die or suffer from powdery mildew. The plants can get scrubby, so the plant care should also include an annual pruning. Trimming the Darwinia plants every year will help to keep them compact and nicely shaped. You can easily prune them just after flowering either in late spring or early summer. 

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