The scientific name of Foxtail lilies is Eremurus elwesii and the plant is also known as desert candles, the plants actually make stunning attractions in the garden. The plant has tapered spikes of yellow, orange, pink, or white flowers that can add interest to mixed beds and borders. The Foxtail lilies is not like other lilies, the plant has unusual tuberous roots rather than a single foxtail lily bulb. Continue reading to learn how to plant foxtail lilies and how to care for foxtail lily.  


How to Propagate Foxtail Lilies

If you want to plant the foxtail lily bulb you need to choose a location in well-draining soil that has been enriched with compost or other organic matter. Adequate drainage is very vital with these plants, and also keeps in mind that the plants don’t like overly dry situations. The planting of foxtail lily flower usually takes place in autumn (around September). The tuberous roots, which are extremely brittle, should be planted about four inches deep with at least two to three feet of spacing between plants. To get a better result you can make the planting hole wide, leaving the bud or crown facing up. You need to keep the crown within a couple of inches (5 cm.) of the soil surface but cover the remaining tuberous roots well.


Foxtail Lily Plant Care

 Once the plant is established, the plant actually requires little care with the exception of watering. In windy sites the foxtail lily plants may need staking. Winter protection may also be needed most especially in cooler climates. Hence, it’s usually recommended that foxtail lily plants be heavily mulched with straw, leaves, grass clippings, or other suitable material each fall. This is also imperative following planting. The foxtail lily plants sometimes take a while to fully establish but once they do, the plant will actually produce attractive flowers and may even reseed themselves. The foxtail lily that is grown from seed, however may take much longer to produce blooms.  

The plant do not appreciate disturbance, actually the flower can be lifted and divided during the autumn planting season if overcrowding occurs.


Pest and Disease Control

The Foxtail lilies plants generally suffer little problems unlike any other plant. Slugs and snails may be a problem for the young plants that are newly planted. The Foxtail lilies plants may be prone to root rot if the soil is allowed to become too moist by poor watering practices or overcrowding. With this fungal disease, the plant leaves may turn brown prior to blooming. Try and keep the plants dry and also provide adequate air circulation, this can help to alleviate these problems. Also, the use of copper fungicides can help to aid prevention.  

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