The Five spot plants are also known as baby blue eyes; the plant is native to North American. The Five spot plant are annual plants develop into low growing plants adorned with white flowers whose petal tips have been dipped in bright blue. The Five spot plants are propagated by seed and will self-sow at the end of the season. Keep reading to learn more on how to plant five spot seeds and how to care for the plants.   


Propagating Five Spot Seed

Actually starting your own plants from seed is an economical way to produce your own flowers, fruits, and more. Growing five spot from seeds is quite simple and soon you will have a lovely group of these charming flowers. Five spot plants are annuals that tend to self-seed, but you have to have a mature crop first. You can sow the five spot seeds in containers indoors and then move them outside to bloom and establish. In a short time you will have plenty of indigo marked flowers.

Growing baby blue eyes or five spot from seed may be done directly into the garden or indoors in flats, but the main thing is knowing when to plant the baby blue eyes seeds for the best chances of success. Early spring in most zones is the optimal time to sow the five spot seeds. Most growers in zones below USDA zone seven will need to start the plants indoors about 6 to 8 weeks before the date of the last frost. In higher zones, sow baby blue eyes seeds directly into the soil once it is workable. These warmer regions may also sow into cold frames in autumn or in a cool greenhouse. The five spot seeds planted in fall will bloom in spring while the five spot seeds planted in spring produce blooms all summer.   


How to Grow Five Spot from Seed

Baby blue eyes seed propagation results in germination within seven to thirty days. The five spot seeds need well-draining soil and should be pressed onto the surface of the soil. Make sure you keep the flats where there is plenty of light and also situate the seeds outside in indirect sun.

Once the Baby blue eyes plants have germinated and it has retained two sets of true leaves, the plant can be grown in partial or full sun. Make sure you harden off seedlings before transplanting them outdoors. During the germination and also after, you have to keep the flats or the planting site moderately moist. Thin the baby blue eyes seedlings as needed to allow the strongest to produce mature plants. After you have large enough five spot from seeds, they will need moist soil and at least half a day of sun. The blooms will appear within some months. Each flower is short lived but the baby blue eyes plant produces new ones prolifically. The baby blue eyes make great bedding plants, trailing specimens, or used in combined flower containers. To continue propagating the plant each year you can collect and save the plant seeds. After flowers are spent, a small seed pod forms. You have to wait until they are dry and then harvest them. Crack the pod and shake the seed into a plastic sealable bag. Store them in a cool, dry, dark location until the next spring and then start the process anew. 

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