The Latin name of Erigeron plant is Erigeron
Speciosus and the plant is also known as Showy Daisy, Aspen Fleabane and
Fleabane Daisy. You can easily grow this beautiful hardy perennial from seeds in
your garden. Once the plant is established the care is very easy. The plant
gives lots of blooms, and the plant will attract in the butterflies. Continue
reading to learn how to grow Erigeron from seed.
Erigeron Plant Info
Plant type: The plant is perennial
Hardiness zone: USDA zones five
through nine
Plant height: twenty-eight inches
The blooming season: The blooming
season is summer through fall
The blooming color: The blooming
color lavender
The environment: The plant does well
in full sun to partial shade
The soil type: The plant prefers a well-drained
soil, pH 6.1 - 7.8
Pest: The plant is deer resistant
The botanical name: The botanical name
is Erigeron Speciosus
Erigeron Planting Directions
Temperature requirement: Sixty degree
The average germination time: fourteen
to thirty days
The light requirement: The plant need
light to grow
The depth: Don’t cover the plant
The sowing rate: Four seeds per plant
The moisture: Make sure you keep the seed
moist until germination
The plant spacing: twelve to twenty-four
How to Grow Erigeron from Seed
Sow the Erigeron plant seeds indoors four
to six weeks before last frost. You can use sterile starter mix and then sow
the Erigeron flower seeds onto the mix. Don’t cover the Erigeron plant seeds
because they do need light for germination.
Transplant the Erigeron plant seedlings
when temperatures are warmed up. For the direct sowing of the Erigeron flower
seeds outdoors, you can wait until frost danger has passed and then directly
spread the flower seeds onto a prepared bed. Make sure you keep the Erigeron plant
seeds moist but don’t cover them.
Furthermore, the Erigeron plant is a
hardy perennial that will tolerate dry weather. The plant will re-bloom if cut
back after flowering which will greatly increase the blooming season. You can
easily cut back the stems to the ground level in early spring. Divide the large
clumps every two to three years, and then discard the woody crowns.
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