There are actually some geraniums that can be grown through cuttings, but the seed-grown varieties of geraniums have become very popular. The geranium plant seed propagation is not actually difficult, although it does take a while before you have producing plants. One of the secret to summer blooms is knowing when to plant the geranium seeds. Continue reading to learn some tips on how to sow geranium seeds.  


Planting Geranium Seeds

Geranium plants has brilliant red (sometimes purple, orange, pink, and white) blooms, the plant can add major impact to garden beds and baskets. Some of the seed-grown geranium varieties are usually smaller and they have more flowers than those propagated by cuttings. These varieties also tend to have more disease resistance and heat tolerance.   

Furthermore, geraniums plant grows readily from seed. On the other hand, to grow the plant from seed, you need to be very patient. From seed to flower can take up to about sixteen weeks. Germinating the geraniums seeds require a photoperiod and heat, but the most important thing if you want summer bedding plants is knowing when to sow the seeds. Most garden expert actually recommends January to February. Plant the geraniums seeds indoors in most regions, unless you actually live where winters are warm and sunny. In these regions, gardeners can sow the geranium plant seeds directly in a prepared bed.   


How to Grow Geraniums from Seed

You can actually use seed starting mix when germinating geranium seeds. You can also use a soilless mix which can easily help prevent damping off fungus. Make sure you disinfect previously used flats prior to planting to prevent spreading diseases.

Fill your trays with a moistened medium. Sow the geranium plant seeds evenly and then add a dusting of medium over them. You need to cover the flat or tray with plastic wrap or a clear plastic dome. Place them in bright light. Geranium plant seed propagation requires temperatures of at least seventy-two degree Fahrenheit but no higher than seventy-eight degree Fahrenheit where germination can become inhibited. Make sure you remove the plastic cover daily to allow excess moisture to escape. Once you have seen 2 sets of true leaves on the seedlings you can easily move them to larger containers to grow in. Plant the seedlings with cotyledons under the soil. You can place the plants under fluorescent lights or in a very bright location. Ideally, the geraniums should have ten to twelve hours of light per day. Make sure you water the plants when the surface of the soil is dry to the touch. You can also fertilize weekly with houseplant food that has been diluted by ¼. You can harden the plants off for about 7 days before planting them out and then wait patiently for a host of blooms.

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