Plants like Hellebore actually make delightful additions to any garden. The Hellebore plant has showy flowers that really look like roses, this flowers are in shades of yellow, pink, and even deep purple. The Hellebore flowers may actually differ if you plant their seeds, with the new hellebore plants offering even greater color variations. If you are actually interested in growing the plant from seed, you need to follow some simple tips to ensure that the hellebore seed propagation is successful. Continue reading to learn how to grow hellebore plant from seed.


 Hellebore Plant Seed Propagation

The hellebore plants are beautiful plants that usually produce seeds in springtime. The hellebore plant seeds grow in seed pods that appear once the blossoms are spent, usually in late spring or early summer. You may be tempted to hold off on planting the hellebore plant seeds until fall or even the following spring. On the other hand, this is actually a mistake, since a delay in planting can prevent the hellebore seed propagation.


Hellebore Seeds Planting

To actually be successful in growing hellebores from seed you need to get the seeds into the ground as quickly as possible. In the wild, the hellebore seeds are “planted” as soon as they drop to the ground. In fact, you may see an example of this in your own garden. You are likely to have seed grown hellebores appear in frustrating numbers just under the “mother” plant. The hellebores seeds you carefully saved to plant in pots the following spring produce few or no seedlings. The trick is to start planting the hellebore seeds in late spring or early summer, just as Mother Nature does. Your success at growing the hellebore plant from seeds may actually depend on it.  


How to Grow Hellebores from Seed

The Hellebore plants thrive in USDA plant hardiness zones three through nine. If you already have a plant in your back garden, you do not need to worry about this. If you will be growing hellebore plant from seeds and get some from a friend in another region, take note. If you want to know how to grow hellebore plant from seeds, start out with good potting soil in flats or pots. Sow the Hellebore plant seeds on top of the soil, and then cover them with a very thin layer of potting soil. Some expert’s gardeners suggest topping this with a thin layer of fine grit. The key to successfully germinating the hellebore plant seeds is providing regular light irrigation all summer long. Don’t ever allow the soil to dry out but don’t keep it wet either. You can keep the flat outside in an area similar to where you will plant the seedlings. You can also leave them outside through fall and winter. In winter they should germinate. You can easily move the seedling to its own container when it has produced 2 sets of leaves. 

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