The Matilija poppy is called egg poppy and the botanical name is Romneya coulteri. The flowers are about six to eight inches across with 5 to 6 petals. The petals are wide and they are pure white and they are made of delicate crepe paper. Also the stamens in the center form a perfect circle of vivid yellow. The Matilija poppy plant came very close to being named the state flower of California, narrowly losing to the California poppy. Continue reading to learn more about growing Matilija poppies plants.


Planting Matilija Poppy

 The Matilija poppy plants are actually native to California and they are also drought tolerant. The Matilija poppy plants are famous for being both hard to grow and invasive and the care of the plants can be tricky to figure out at first. The plant need full sun and they prefer well-draining soil, but they will also tolerate some clay. It’s hard to actually know just what the plant will deem a suitable spot, but once the plant finds a place it likes, it will take hold. It is actually because of this that is why Matilija poppy planting should be reserved for large gardens where they will have room to spread out. Because of their extensive root system, the plants are good at preventing soil erosion and they are ideal on a sunny bank prone to runoff.


How to Grow Matilija Poppies Plants

Actually the Matilija poppy plants do not transplant well from one spot to another. One of the best ways to add them to your garden is to start with a small plant in a nursery pot that’s not bigger than a gallon. Just dig a hole as deep as the pot and twice as wide. Then fill it with water and also let it drain. Water the Matilija poppy plant in its pot as well. Carefully cut the pot away (as the plant roots are delicate and may not survive being pulled out of the pot) and then plant it in its new home. Water your new Matilija poppy plant at least once per week while it’s getting established. The Matilija poppy plants actually spread by rhizomes, you need to bury some sheets of metal around the plant to help contain its takeover of your garden.  

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