The Melampodium plant also known as butter daisy, blackfoot is a genus of flowers whose sunny yellow flowers bring a smile to the most confirmed curmudgeon’s face. The plant is actually known for its constant display of beautiful yellow flowers. Actually the genus supports over forty varieties of North American and Mexican annuals and perennials. The most common once are 2, which are Butter daisy and Blackfoot, which form bushy plants. Many other specimens in the genus also have honey-scented flowers lasting from spring until the first cold temperatures of winter. The plant begins blooming in late May. The Melampodium plants are easy to grow and can survive a variety of conditions and locations, including both pots as well as in the ground.

  Below is the basic information about Melampodium plants;

The botanical name:   The botanical name is Melampodium.

The common name: The common names are Butter daisy, Black foot.

The plant type:   Annual.

The mature size: six to twelve inches tall, eight to twelve inches wide.

The sun exposure: Full sun

The soil type:  Sandy, rocky

The soil pH: 6-8

The blooming time: The blooming time is Spring, Summer, Fall.

The flower color: The flower colors are white, yellow.

Plant hardiness zones: USDA 9-11

The native area: Melampodium is native to Mexico, Brazil, and Southwestern US  


  How To Grow Melampodium Plant

Light requirement: Actually, this plant will grow best when it is exposed to full sunlight. Full sunlight will encourage optimal flower growth and also help the plant to be intact. Many varieties of this plant tend to flop over as they mature, but planting them in full sun will help to prevent that from happening.

Soil requirement: Melampodium plant is actually native to areas with rocky soil, the plant requires a well-drained soil to truly thrive, and the plant is also tolerant of nutritionally poor soils.

Water requirement: Melampodium plant is a drought-resistant and heat-tolerant plant, the plant will grow best with regular watering. Make sure you allow the soil to dry out slightly in between waterings.

Temperature and humidity requirement: The Melampodium plants are truly warm-weather plants that can survive an array of heat-related conditions. Once the plants are established, they are drought tolerant. Despite the plant toughness, the plant is susceptible to growing powdery mildew when planted in certain humid areas. However,  proper sunlight can help prevent this problem, but if you do see mildew growing you can easily prune the infected areas to prevent spreading.

Fertilizer requirement: If you actually want to keep your melampodium plant blooming all season long you can consider adding a slow-release fertilizer or a general purpose liquid fertilizer to your soil.


Potting and Repotting of Plants

Melampodium Propagation: You can easily sow your melampodium plant seeds indoors about 7 to 10 weeks prior to moving the plant outdoors, and after that little to no maintenance is needed on the plant. When the seeds are planted outdoors in warmer locations, the melampodium plant will self-seed so its flowers will come back year after year on their own.

Pruning: When potting melampodium plant, the seeds are best sown indoors at alternating temperatures of about sixty-eight and eighty-six degrees. Aim to sow at a depth of four times the diameter of the melampodium plant seeds. Be sure to allow approximately ten to fifteen days for the melampodium plant seeds to germinate. 

Melampodium flowers are considered self-cleaning, so deadheading is not actually required to eliminate spent blooms, and they are also self-branching, so pinching is not needed.

Growing Melampodium in Containers: Melampodium plants actually likes dry conditions, the plant makes a fantastic container plant. Just make sure you transplant them into a light, well-drained soil and be cautious of overwatering.



Melampodium Plant Varieties

1.    Butter Daisy variety: This particular varieties colors range from lemon yellow to golden orange and it has dark orange-yellow centers.

2.    Blackfoot Daisy variety: Blackfoot daisy are bushy plants with small white daisy-like flowers and narrow, grayish-green leaves.

3.    Casino Light Yellow variety: This variety has bright and cheerful daisy-like yellow flowers.

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