The mountain fleece plant is also known as persicaria, bistort or knotweed, this plant is a hardy, upright perennial that produces narrow, bottle brush-like flowers of pink, purple, red or white that last throughout summer and into early fall. Continue reading to learn how to grow mountain fleece plant in your own garden.  


Information about Mountain Fleece Plant

The Mountain fleece plant is native to the Himalayas, the plant tolerates winters as far north as USDA plant hardiness zone four. Keep in mind that mountain fleece plant doesn’t do well above zone eight or nine. At maturity, mountain fleece plant reaches a height of about three to four feet, with a similar spread. The Mountain fleece plant is a real charmer in flower beds or borders, or alongside a stream or pond. If you actually have a rock garden, prairie-style landscape or garden meadow, the mountain fleece plant will provide low-maintenance, long-lasting beauty. You might like to know that while butterflies, bees and birds love the showy flowers, the plant usually isn’t bothered by deer.


How to Grow Mountain Fleece Plant

If you don’t find mountain fleece plants at your neighborhood garden center you can look for nurseries that specialize in wildflowers. Once the plant is established, it’s very easy to divide in spring or fall. This plant actually performs best in moist, well-drained soil. While mountain fleece plants love sunlight, it will also tolerate some light shade, which is actually beneficial in hot climates. Although the mountain fleece plant generally is well-behaved, the plant grows via underground stolons and can be rambunctious. Make sure you give the mountain fleece a little room to spread.  


Mountain Fleece Plant Care  

Mountain Fleece Plant care is relatively simple, but here are some of the few tips that may help:

-          When it comes to growing mountain fleece plant, the most vital thing is moisture, most especially for the plants that is located in full sunlight. Water the plant as needed and don’t also allow the soil to become bone dry.

-         A few inches of mulch or compost can really help to keep the soil cool and moist. Similarly, several inches of mulch, pine needles or dry, chopped leaves are a good idea if winters are harsh.

-         Make sure you watch for aphids, which are very easy to control with insecticidal soap spray. Don’t ever spray when the sun is directly on the leaves, or if you notice bees are present. Japanese beetles can turn the foliage into swiss cheese very quickly. This is an excellent reason to encourage birds to visit your garden. Otherwise, the most effective means of control is hand-picking. Insecticidal soap spray combined with vegetable oil may help. To actually control slugs and snails, you can limit mulch to three inches or less, and also keep your garden free of debris and other hiding places. 

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