There are actually lots of Iris plants (Iris spp.) varieties that exist, they really provide intricate and exquisite blooms in sunny areas of the landscape. This plant flowers begin blooming in late winter to early spring. Once the plant is established the plant care is minimal. The plant care consists mainly of dividing the plants to really ensure continues blooms. Actually these plants are abundant multipliers although once the rhizomes of the plants become crowded, the plant flowers can be limited and the rhizomes actually need to be separated.

Furthermore, one of the most commonly planted Iris in the United States is the bearded iris plant. The height of the bearded iris plant ranges from three inches for the shortest of dwarf Iris plant to four feet for the tallest of the tall bearded Iris plant. Iris plants bloom in shades of blue, purple, white and yellow and it include a lot of hybridized versions that are multi-colored. The Black Gamecock Louisiana Iris of the Louisiana series has a deep purple color almost like black. While the Siberian Iris are more dainty, although they are also available in plethora of colors. The Iris 'Butter and Sugar' cultivar is a delicate white and yellow.

How to grow Iris plant

Make sure you plant the rhizomes of the iris in a sunny location with well-draining, rich soil. Also leave room for growth between the rhizomes and don’t bury the entire rhizome. Also make sure the roots are covered, but allow the iris rhizome to remain partially above ground to avoid root rot. Once blooms fade you can leave the foliage to yellow before removing them from the flower bed. Plant so later blooming specimens cover the remaining foliage. As with many spring blooms, the foliage is sending nutrients to the rhizome for next year’s flowers. Actually this is one of the difficult parts of Iris plant care, as many gardeners wish to immediately remove foliage once flowering is done. Other iris plant care includes watering the plant during dry spells, fertilization before flowers appear and deadheading of the spent blooms. However, most clumps of Iris plant provide flowers with no maintenance. Iris plant is drought tolerant and may be part of a xeric garden; keep in mind, even drought tolerant plants benefit from an occasional watering.

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