The shooting star flower is also known as American cowslip. The scientific name of this plant is Dodecatheon meadia. Shooting star flower plant is a perennial wildflower that is native to the Pacific Northwest and other areas of the United States. This plant actually gets its name from the star-shaped, downward-facing blooms that appear in late spring and early summer. 

Shooting star is Hardy to United States Department of Agriculture plant zones 4 through 8, the plant prefers partial or full shade. Actually this lovely little woodland or mountain plant normally disappears completely when temperatures rise in summer. Growing this lovely plant from seed is the easiest way of propagation.

How to grow Shooting Star flower plant Seeds
You can plant the shooting star seeds directly in the garden. Actually the time of the year for planting really depends on your climate. You can plant after the last frost in spring if you live in areas where winters are cold. You can also plant in autumn if your area has mild winters. This will allow your shooting star flower plants to get established while temperatures are cool.

Furthermore, you can prepare the bed a couple of weeks ahead of time by tilling lightly or digging about an inch deep. Make sure you remove the rocks and clumps and also rake the soil smooth. Sprinkle the plant seeds around the area, and then press the shooting star seeds into the soil by walking over the planted area. If you are planting the shooting star seeds in spring, the plant seed germination is more likely if you stratify the plant seeds first. This is especially important if you harvested the shooting star seeds from plants in autumn. (Although you may not need to stratify purchased seeds, as the seeds are probably pre-stratified, but make sure you read the instructions on the seed packet). This is how to actually stratify shooting star seeds: You have to mix the seeds in a plastic bag with moist sand, vermiculite or sawdust, and then place the bag in the refrigerator or other cool location for about thirty days.

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