Compare to most onion varieties, the Egyptian walking onions actually set bulbs at the top of the plant, each of them with numerous small onions that you can be easily harvest for planting or eating. The Egyptian walking onions really taste much like shallots, but they are slightly more pungent. 

As soon as the bluish-green stalk gets top-heavy, the stalk fall over, creating new roots and a new plant where the bulbs touch the ground. A single Egyptian walking onion plant can travel twenty-four inches (61 cm.) each year, resulting to about 6 new plants. The Egyptian walking onions are actually known by several names, including top-set onions and tree onions.

Steps on how to grow Egyptian Walking Onions

Though it is possible to plant Egyptian walking onions in spring, you won’t be able to harvest the onions until the following year. Actually the ideal planting time for growing Egyptian walking onions is between summer and the first frost for a harvest the next growing season. You can set the onion bulbs in the soil about two inches (6-8 cm.) deep, with six to ten inches (15-25 cm.) between each bulb if you really like big, pungent onions. Alternatively, if you prefer a steady harvest of green, milder onions, or if you want to use the stalks like chives, you can plant the bulbs two to three inches (6-8 cm.) apart. Like all their onion cousins, the Egyptian walking onions don’t actually appreciate heavy, wet soil. Though they are easy to grow in full sun and average, well-drained soil with a pH between 6.2 and 6.8.

How to care for Egyptian Walking Onion

The Egyptian walking onions are perennial and they will eventually walk across your garden. Though they are easy to control and they are not invasive. You can really leave a few plants in your garden every year if you want the plants to keep walking for decades to come, however pull any that walk where they are not welcome. The Egyptian walking onion care is uninvolved and basically just requires keeping the soil lightly moist, but never soggy or drenched. If not, you can thin the plant as needed and divide the mother plant whenever it becomes overgrown or less productive, usually every 2 or 3 years.

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