The Cardinal flowers which is also known as Lobelia cardinalis produces tall spikes of bright red flowers between midsummer and early autumn. Cardinal flower brings the garden to life by attracting a lot of species of butterflies and hummingbirds. This plant are native to wet meadows, marshes and stream banks and they also prefer a wet soil, although you can actually grow them in an ordinary garden soil with frequent watering.

Steps on how to grow Cardinal flowers

      1. You can plant the cardinal flowers in spring or fall, make sure you space them a foot apart. Try and choose a location with morning sun and afternoon shade. By peradventure if the soil is sandy, you can easily add a shovelful of compost for each plant at planting time.

      2.  Make sure you water the plants at least twice a week in the absence of rainfall for the first month, and then weekly thereafter throughout spring and summer.

      3. You can apply a 2- to 3-inch layer of mulch around the plants in other to help the soil hold in moisture.

     4.  Make sure you snip out the flower stem just above the leafy area after the flowers fade. Doing this will actually keep the plant looking neat and sometimes it encourages additional flower stems.

     5. You can fertilize the cardinal flowers in late winter immediately the plants begin to break dormancy, and again also in fall after the last flowers fade. You can spread a shovelful of compost or a handful of dry organic fertilizer on the soil around each of the plant. Make sure you water the plants to rinse off any fertilizer that may have landed on the foliage and to help the fertilizer work its way into the root zone.

     6. You can divide clumps of cardinal flowers in fall every 2 or 3 years. Try and make sure each division has plenty of top growth and roots. Any plants left growing in the same location for more than 3 or 4 years tend to die out.

     7.  Make sure you spread organic mulch over the plants in late fall or winter in other to ensure protection from freezing winter temperatures in USDA zones 7 and colder.

Some of the things you will need

The following are the things you will need; Mulch, Compost, Organic fertilizer, etc.

Furthermore, Cardinal flowers drop tiny seeds after they mature. If you actually want to allow these seeds to develop into seedlings, you can pull back the mulch around the plant when the flowers at the bottom of the stalks begin to fade. Make sure you wait until the seedlings are tall enough that they won't be buried before replacing the mulch.

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