As a gardener if you have a dry area in your garden you want to fill, I think Arizona poppy may be just the plant for you. Arizona poppy is an annual plant that has large bright yellow flowers with an orange center. These particular annual plants are ideal for large gardens in a very dry climate. If they are at the right location, the plant care is easy.

Furthermore, this plant called Arizona poppy (Kallstroemia grandiflora) aren’t true poppies because they actually belong to a different family. These plants are called the summer poppy and also orange caltrop, the plant has bright yellow-orange flowers that resemble those of California poppies. Arizona poppy plants are native to the united state Southwest from Arizona to New Mexico to Texas. 

Arizona poppy plants are also been introduced in southern California. The plant bloom time is generally August to September, which actually coincides with desert summer rainfall. Some people actually see blooms from February to September. These particular plants produce non-edible fruit that give way to seed pods. As the plant pods dry and split, the seeds will scatter and then produce new plants the following year.

How to grow Arizona Poppies

The plant is hardy in zones 8b-11, which means full sun is a must when growing Arizona poppies. Arizona poppies also grow best in sandy, well-drained soil and also the plant can tolerate dry weather. Make sure you give them plenty of space in the garden because a single plant gets to be one to three feet (.30-.91 m.) tall and three feet (.91 m.) wide. You can also create a drift of Arizona poppy plants by giving them their own section of the garden. You can plant the seeds in late spring and cover them lightly with soil. Make sure you water regularly. To reseed in the fall you can shake the seeds from the dry seed pods onto the ground and then cover them with a thin layer of soil. The plant can reseed on their own although they may grow where not wanted. If you want to save seeds for the next spring, you can store them in a dark dry place.

Arizona Poppies care

Actually the maintenance for these beautiful and hardy plants is very easy. Make sure you water the Arizona poppy plants occasionally if the summer rain has been light. Keep in mind that overwatering can harm the plants. Actually there is no need to deadhead the flowers or prune the plants, and also no feeding is required either. Arizona poppies plants have no serious pests or diseases to worry about. Immediately they are established in the landscape, all you need to do is just to sit back and enjoy the flower show.

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