A lot of people actually know geraniums. Alpine Geraniums is hardy and beautiful, Alpine Geraniums are very popular plants for both garden beds and containers. The Erodium alpine geranium plant is a little bit different from the common geranium plant. Alpine Geraniums is a low spreading plant that enjoys a range of soils and it makes an excellent groundcover.

Furthermore, this plant called Alpine geraniums (Erodium reichardii) are also known as Erodiums, according to history the name comes from the Ancient Greek word for “heron.” The origin of the name is due to the shape of the plant’s immature fruit, which is like a water bird’s head and beak. 

The plant name has also been carried over into the common English names which are Heron’s Bill and Stork’s Bill. These plants are mostly low growing. Alpine geraniums plants can range from low groundcover no higher than six inches, up to small shrubs at twenty-four inches, depending on variety. This plant flowers are small and delicate, they are usually about half an inch across, with five petals in shades of pink to white. The plant flowers tend to clump together and they rarely appear alone.

How to grow Alpine Geraniums 

Like I said earlier Alpine geranium care is very easy and forgiving. Alpine geranium plants prefer a well drained soil and full sun, although they will tolerate all but not soggy soil and deep shade. Depending on the variety, Alpine geranium plants are hardy from zones 6 to 9 or 7 to 9. Alpine geranium plants actually require very little maintenance. Alpine geranium plants benefit from some extra watering in the hottest, driest months. But for the most part, the plant needs only minimal extra water. If they are indoors they may likely fall prey to aphids, but if they are outdoors they are virtually pest free. Alpine geranium plants can be propagated in the spring by separating new shoots with a portion of the old crown.

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