Phlox plant is a tall eye-catching perennial plant that is ideal for sunny borders. Phlox plants has large clusters of purple, pink, lavender or white flowers that actually bloom for several weeks in summer, and they also make excellent cut flowers. The growing of this plant is really simple.

Basic information about Garden Phlox

Actually the garden phlox (Phlox paniculata) is also called summer phlox, this plant is a sun-loving perennial with a long flowering season. The large clusters of flowers, which are called panicles sit atop stems that grow about three to four feet tall. The garden phlox is a Native American wildflower that thrives in USDA plant hardiness zones 4 to 8. From my little experience growing hardy garden phlox is a challenge in hot, humid areas because the plant is really sensitive to powdery mildew. Make sure you watch for foliage that looks as though it has been dusted with talcum powder, and also pinch off the affected leaves. If the case is severe you can treat the plants with fungicide. You can also prevent powdery mildew by choosing varieties that is labeled as “mildew resistant.”

How to care for Garden Phlox

You can set out the new garden phlox plants in early spring. Just make sure you choose a sunny location with moist but well-draining soil. You can also work some compost into the soil before planting if your soil does not actually manage water well. Make sure you give the plants plenty of room, most especially in hot, humid areas where air circulation around the phlox plant will help keep powdery mildew to a minimum. Also make sure you use the recommended spacing on the plant tag, which is usually eighteen to twenty-four inches. Make sure you fertilize with a shovelful of compost for each plant or you can apply a light application of 10-10-10 fertilizer at planting time and again just before the flowers open. If you can fertilize once more after the flowers fade there is tendency you may get another flush of flowers. Try and water the plants weekly for the first few weeks and always make sure it is enough to keep the soil lightly moist thereafter. Make sure you keep the foliage as dry as possible by applying the water to the soil rather than the foliage. Spread a two to three inch layer of mulch around the phlox plants to help the soil hold moisture. The care of this plant also includes the clipping of flower stems after the flowers fade which is also known as deadheading. Doing this will keeps the plants looking tidy, and it will also prevent the flowers from dropping seeds.

Steps on how to grow tall Garden Phlox

A lot of people really wonder how to grow tall garden phlox. If you actually want to get the maximum height from tall garden phlox, you need to clip the weakest stems from the plant when they are about six inches tall, leaving only 5 or 6 stems on the plant. You need to pinch out the tips of the remaining stems to actually encourage a tall bushy growth habit.

How to get Phlox plant?

Phlox plant can be purchased online. For more details on how to get Phlox plant CLICK HERE.

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