This plant is an herbaceous epiphytes, native to tropical America. This particular plant is a genus of more than eight hundred species found in the New World tropics from Mexico to northern Argentina and Uruguay. This plant called Anthurium is also known as Painted Tongue, Flamingo Flower (Flamingo Lily) or Tail Flower. They are actually grown for their brightly colored flower spathes and their ornamental leaves.
Furthermore the red, heart-shaped flower of this plant is really a spathe or a waxy, modified leaf flaring out from the base of a fleshy spike (spadix) where the tiny real flowers really grow. The anthurium flowers really appear as a roughness on the spadix as compared to a smooth spadix. Most common colors of this plant are red and shades of red.
The name Anthurium means tail flower in Greek. Anthurium plant's stem lengths can grow to a height of about 15-20 inches depending on the size of the spathe, for example, the bigger the spathe, the longer the stem. Anthurium plant's leaves are usually simple, large, attractively colored and borne on long stalks. The flowering stalks are really slender, ending in a fleshy column crowded with many unisexual flowers. They actually have leafy bracts which can be pink, white, red, yellow, orange or green.
This plant is grown for their attractive flowering bracts which are popular with the cut flower trade.
Actually all parts of the anthurium plant are really poisonous. If ingested it may cause mild stomach disorders. Also the anthurium plant's sap can cause skin irritation.

How to grow Anthuriums

This plant can be grown by four methods. These methods are by vegetative reproduction, seeds, tissue culture, and fertilization.

       1. This plant grows on a wide range of soil types ranging from sandy loams to heavy clays.

       2. This plant actually needs a highly organic soil with good water retention capability and good drainage.

       3. A good well-drained soil is really important to prevent the rotting of stems and roots.

       4. This plant need to be planted in raised beds of 1.3 to 2 meters wide and 20 cm deep.

       5. This plant need to be planted more than 5 cm deep, as deep planting results in the rotting of stems and roots.

       6. Make sure you stake the anthurium after planting for support.

       7. Make sure you water the anthuriums immediately after planting.

       8. You can use a layer of coconut husks, semi-rotted wood, or sugar cane bagasse.

       9. Also mulching is needed for the anthuriums plants.

      10. This plant roots actually grow into the mulch and spread.

How to care for Anthuriums plant

       1. Make sure you remove dead and unsightly foliage and faded or brown flowers.

      2. You can use a peat moss base.

      3. This plant needs a high light but not direct sunlight.

      4. Make sure you water the anthurium thoroughly, but also allow it to dry slightly between watering.

      5. Don’t over-water the plant as it may cause root damage and yellowing of the leaves.

     6. Make sure you fertilize the anthurium plant every other month.

     7. Try and avoid draughts and strong temperature fluctuations.

During winter, the anthurium plants need a six week rest period at a 15°C with little water, actually this will allow the plant to flower profusely again in the following season.

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