Blue vervain (Verbena hastata) is a wildflower that is native to North America. This particular plant is often seen growing in moist, grassy meadows and along streams and roadsides where it brightens the landscape with spiky, bluish-purple blooms from midsummer to early autumn.
Furthermore, this plant is also known as American blue vervain or wild hyssop. Blue vervain grows wild in nearly every part of the United States. This plant is actually a cold tolerant perennial that does not do well in climates warmer than USDA plant hardiness zone 8. This plant is a traditional medicinal herb, with the roots, leaves or flowers that is used to treat conditions ranging from stomach aches, colds and fever to headaches, bruises and arthritis. Moat Native Americans of the West Coast normally roast the seeds and ground them into meal or flour. Most times in the garden, this plant attracts bumblebees and other important pollinators and the seeds are a source of nutrients for songbirds. This particular plant is also a good choice for a rain garden or a butterfly garden.

Steps on how to grow Blue Vervain

This particular plant performs best in full sunlight and moist, well-drained, moderately rich soil. You can plant blue vervain seeds directly outdoors in late autumn. Don’t forget that cold temperatures break the dormancy of the seeds so they are ready to germinate in spring. Make sure you cultivate the soil lightly and remove weeds. You can sprinkle the seeds over the surface of the soil, and then use a rake to cover the seeds no more than 1/8 inch deep. Make sure you water lightly.

How to care for Blue Vervain Wildflowers

 Once the plant is established, they are pest and disease-resistant plant that requires little care. Make sure you keep the seeds moist until they germinate. Make sure you supply the plant with one deep watering per week during warm weather. Also make sure you water deeply if the top one to two inches of soil feel dry to the touch. Make sure the soil remain soggy, and also it shouldn’t be allowed to become bone dry. This particular plant benefits from a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer applied monthly during the summer. You can also apply a 1- to 3-inch layer of mulch such as bark chips or compost, this will really help to keep the soil moist and also suppresses the growth of weeds. And again mulch also protects the roots in cold winter climates.

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