The scientific name of Echeveria plant is Echeveria Crassulaceae and the plant care is similar to that of other succulents. There are about one hundred and fifty cultivated varieties of Echeveria plant. Most of the plant species are native to areas of southwest Texas and into South America and the plant thrive in punishing heat and dry conditions. The Echeveria plant has broad, fleshy leaves, often topped with spines that are adapted to holding water and preventing evaporation. A firm touch of this plant can really mar the skin and leave marks.

Are Echeveria easy to care for? The Echeveria plants are tolerant of many soil types and they also require excellent drainage to prevent root and stem rot. Growing Echeveria plant in an unglazed clay pot which allows water to evaporate, is perfect. You need to really protect these plants from freezing temperatures and also store the potted plants indoors in winter. This wonderful succulents plant do not need pruning, however it’s fine to pinch off damaged or errant growth when needed.


Echeveria plant Info

The botanical name: The botanical name is Echeveria Crassulaceae

Plant height: twelve inches

Plant spread: twelve inches

The sun exposure: The plant prefers full sun

The soil requirements: The plant does well in rocky, sandy, well-draining soil

USDA Hardiness zones: Eight to eleven

When to plant Echeveria: The planting time is Spring


Echeveria Care Outdoors


Light requirement

The Echeveria plants are natives of southern regions and they should be planted in a full sun site. How much sunlight does Echeveria need? The Echeveria plants need at least eight hours of bright light daily. As houseplants it should be placed in a southern or western window. The Echeveria plant leaves can sport bold colors to iridescent pastels, nevertheless the best colors will result from plenty of sun.


Water requirement

In their wild state the plants receive very little water. During rainy seasons the Echeveria plants store water in their leaves in preparation for the dry seasons. Make sure the plants soil is allowed to dry thoroughly before watering. The container plants actually require a bit more water than those in the ground. There are some Echeveria plants that are sensitive to tap water, so it's a good idea to allow the water to sit overnight to off-gas before watering the plant. In winter you can diminish their watering by half.  


Temperature and humidity requirement

If you want to care for Echeveria succulent plants, you need to consider their native range. The Echeveria succulent plants have little cold hardiness, but there are some varieties that can withstand sustained freezes. The Houseleeks or hens and chicks varieties are an exception. Most varieties of Echeveria succulent plants are hardy to USDA zones eight to eleven, and if the plants are growing outdoors outside of their range, the plant should be brought inside for winter. The Indoor Echeveria succulent plants do not need high humidity and will do well in winter near heating vents. Make sure you avoid placing them near drafty windows and doors.   


Soil requirement

The Echeveria succulent plants are native to desert ranges and they prefer rocky, sandy soil which drains well. The Indoor Echeveria succulent plants in containers can manage well in traditional potting soil, but the plant will need less water than those grown in cactus soil. A simple homemade soil of 1 part potting soil, 1 part perlite, and 1 part coarse sand is an ideal medium for the indoor Echeveria succulent plants.  

For outdoor plants, you need to provide some mulch around the plant with gravel or sand to help prevent weeds and conserve moisture.


Fertilizer requirement

Actually most succulents don’t need supplemental feeding. In spring the container Echeveria succulent plants will benefit from a cactus food, diluted by half during watering. You can fertilize every eight weeks during their growing season. You can use a balanced liquid food or treat the Echeveria succulent plants once in spring with a slow-release granular formula. Try and avoid getting fertilizer on the lovely plant leaves, as it may burn the plant leaves.  


Pest and Disease Control

The outdoor Echeveria succulent plants are prey to more pests than those indoors. Spider mites, Aphids, and mealy worms are prime pests. Spray the Echeveria succulent plants with rubbing alcohol to get rid of any insects. The most common issues result from overwatering of the plant. Excess moisture in the soil can cause the Echeveria plants roots and stems to rot. Only water the Echeveria succulent plants when their soil is dry to the touch. The Echeveria succulent plants that are kept in too little light will get leggy and the color will suffer.   


Echeveria Plant Propagation

The Echeveria plants and most succulent plants have an amazing ability to produce pups or offsets. These baby plants actually grow along the stem or occasionally right next to the parent plant. You can use a sterile, sharp knife to cut away the small plant. If you actually place the cutting in well-draining soil the cutting will root.

The Echeveria succulent plants may also be propagated from leaves. You can place the leaf on the surface of the soil and it will produce roots within a few weeks and soon a small rosette will grow next to the rooted leaf. The original Echeveria plant leaf will dry up and then crumble off of the new plant.


Repotting Echeveria Plants

Due to the Echeveria plants low nutrient needs and the native areas where the plant grow naturally, the Echeveria succulent plants do not need to be repotted too frequently, but it’s fine to repot the plant with new soil every couple of years. The size of the container of the plant should be only a tiny bit larger than the body of the plant. The Echeveria succulent plants prefer to be slightly crowded. 

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