Plumeria plants can be grown indoors, they can be grow indoors year round. You can obtain the Potted Plumeria plant in any local nursery or you can propagate your own from cuttings. Try and make sure your plants or cuttings are potted with a coarse well-draining potting mix.

Growing Plumeria Plants Indoors

Make sure you place your Plumeria in a sunny window that receives bright light (direct sunlight) of about four to six hours per day. You can consider South-facing windows because they provide the brightest light for the longest duration. Most people even go to the lengths of moving their Plumeria plants throughout the day to meet the lighting requirement. If you don’t actually have a great window spot for your Plumeria plant you can grow them indoors under a fluorescent light for 14-15 hours daily. Plumeria is a tropical plant and temperature is another consideration. And again, maintaining an indoor temperature of about 65-80 degrees F. (18-27 C.) is ideal. If you want to water the potted Plumeria plants make sure you water them deeply. However, be sure to let the Plumeria plant dry out between watering because the plants do not like wet feet. Actually root rot is not a good thing, the plant will also appreciate a little humidity, courtesy of a morning and bedtime mist on its leaves. The plant is also considered heavy feeders. To help encourage blooms you can use a fertilizer low in nitrogen and high in phosphorus at least once every 2 weeks from spring through fall. Please note that it can be a little bit tricky to get a frangipani to bloom despite your best efforts. In addition, the plant has to be at least two to three years old before it is mature enough to bloom. The plant require very little in the way of pruning. The plant only need pruning to remove dead or dying branches and to shape the plant, if desired. 

The Indoor Plumeria plant care should also include routinely checking and treating for possible insect infestations, most especially spider mites in particular. Spider mites are a common affliction of indoor Plumeria plant. You can use Neem oil to treat this issue. Be aware that a Plumeria plant grown indoors year round is not completely impervious to entering dormancy. The plant could still be triggered by some environmental factor, for example, a change in the lighting or temperature. When dormancy is triggered, the plant will lose it leaves. 

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