This plant is also known as wild carrot, the Queen Anne’s lace plant is a wildflower herb found in many parts of the United States, the plant is originally from Europe. In most places the Queen Anne’s lace plant is considered an invasive weed, the plant can actually be an attractive addition to the home in a wildflower garden. Actually before considering adding this plant to the garden, make sure you check with your local extension office for its invasiveness status in your area.

Furthermore, this plant can reach a height of about one to four feet (30-120 cm.) high. Queen Anne’s lace plant has attractive, fern-like foliage and a tall, hairy stems that hold a flattened cluster of tiny white flowers, with a single dark-colored floret just off its center. Actually you can find these plants in bloom during their 2nd year from spring on into fall. This plant is said to have been named after Queen Anne of England, who was really an expert lace maker. Legend has it that when pricked with a needle, a single drop of blood fell from her finger onto the lace, leaving the dark purple floret found in the flower’s center. Also the name wild carrot derived from the plant’s past history of use as a substitute for carrots. The fruit of Queen Anne’s lace plant is spiky and curls inward, reminiscent of a bird’s nest, which is another of its common names.

How to grow Queen Anne’s Lace plant

The Queen Anne’s lace plant is a native plant in many areas, growing the plant is easy. Nevertheless, it is a good idea to plant it somewhere with adequate space to spread; otherwise, some type of barrier may be necessary to keep the wild carrot in bounds. The Queen Anne’s lace plant is adaptable to a variety of soil conditions and it prefers sun to partial shade. The plant also prefers well-draining, neutral to alkaline soil. Actually there are cultivated plants available for purchase, you can also gather a handful of seeds from the wild plants in the fall. Also there is a similar look-alike plant called bishop’s flower (Ammi majus), which is far less intrusive.

How to Care for Queen Anne’s Lace plant

Caring for this plant is very simple. Apart from occasional watering during times of extreme drought, the plant requires little care and doesn’t need fertilizing. To actually prevent the spread of the plant, you can deadhead the flowers before the seeds have a chance to disperse. If the plant gets out of control, the plant can easily be dug up. On the other hand, you will have to make certain that you get up the entire taproot. Wetting the area beforehand usually makes this task much easier. Keep in mind when growing this plant is the fact that handling the plant can cause skin irritation or an allergic reaction.

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